Life simulation computer games in the preparation for the HSK exams: lexical content analysis

  • Elizaveta V. Kirianova

    Elizaveta V. Kirianova. National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. Moscow. Russia


Abstract. Modern education is undergoing significant changes within our dynamically developing information society. The new generation of learners possesses distinct traits in how they perceive, understand, and process information, refer to sources, which poses a number of problems for the pedagogical community that relate to the search for effective teaching methods and means, with this specificity in mind. This article explores the potential of gamification in shaping lexical competence in the Chinese language. By employing established criteria, the author analyzes, compares, and evaluates the lexical potential of various computer games and their compliance with the requirements of the HSK exam meant to assess proficiency in Chinese. Although methods of preparation for this exam are described in scientific and pedagogical literature, the use of computer games in this area has not been sufficiently explored yet, which prevents teachers and learners from using them on methodologically rigorous language pedagogy basis. The research relies on a range of scientific and educational sources, the HSK exam proficiency assessment system included, and computer games available on the market. The main research methods embrace analysis of scientific, teaching-and-learning materials, the HSK exam proficiency assessment system; analysis of computer games available on the market; comparison, generalization, systematization, and interpretation of the obtained results; hypothetical modeling of teaching-and-learning content related to the lexical aspect of the Chinese language through gaming technologies; expert evaluation of the language pedagogy potential of computer games. Based on the research findings, the author makes conclusions with practical implications and outlines future directions for further research on the role of computer games in shaping lexical competence in the Chinese language.
Keywords: gamification, HSK, the Chinese language, computer games, life simulation.